Jakub Jakowicz | Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna

Jakub Jakowicz

Jakub Jakowicz has been performing since the age of 11, showcasing his talent with all the leading Polish orchestras. In 1998, at the invitation of Krzysztof Penderecki, he performed at a festival in Cracow named after this great composer, presenting Capriccio per violino e orchestra under the direction of Jerzy Maksymiuk. In 2001, he made a notable debut with the Munich Philharmonic, conducted by Pinchas Steinberg, performing Karol Szymanowski’s Violin Concerto No. 1. Since then, Jakowicz has appeared as a soloist with numerous esteemed orchestras, including the Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale in Florence, Czech Philharmonic in Prague, Orchestra di Santa Cecilia in Rome, Dresden Philharmonic, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande in Geneva, Orquesta Nacional in Madrid, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo, and Concerto Köln. Throughout his career, Jakowicz has collaborated with renowned conductors such as Pinchas Steinberg, Jerzy Semkow, Antoni Wit, Jerzy Maksymiuk, Jacek Kaspszyk, Kazimierz Kord, Jan Krenz, Yan Pascal Tortelier, Eiji Oue, Marek Pijarowski, Krzysztof Penderecki, Agnieszka Duczmal, Michail Jurowski, and Marc Minkowski. 

In 2009 and 2011, he was a featured soloist during the National Philharmonic Orchestra’s concert tours in the UK, invited by Antoni Wit. 

For many years, Jakowicz, as a dedicated chamber musician, has performed in a violin duo with his father, Krzysztof. Together with pianist Bartosz Bednarczyk, they have recorded several albums, including Subito (Polish Radio), Beethoven Violin Sonatas (Subito Records), Witold Lutosławski’s Partita (CD Accord), and chamber music by Franz Schubert (Polish Radio). In addition, Jakowicz has performed alongside distinguished musicians such as Heinz Holliger, Paavali Jumppanen, Garrick Ohlsson, Paul Gulda, Jan Krzysztof Broja, Michel Lethiec, Elina Vähäla, Anna Maria Staśkiewicz, Ruth Killius, Katarzyna Budnik, Avri Levitan, Tomoko Akasaka, Daniel Müller-Schott, Andrzej Bauer, Tomasz Strahl, Alexander Gebert, Rafał Kwiatkowski, Marcin Zdunik, Zvi Plesser, Timo-Veikko Valve, and Julius Berger.

He is also associated with two renowned string quartets. From 2008 to 2014, he served as the first violinist of the Lutosławski Quartet, with which he recorded the complete string quartets of Grażyna Bacewicz for the Naxos label. Since 2006, he has been a member of the Zehetmair Quartet, an ensemble founded by Austrian violinist and conductor Thomas Zehetmair. Their album of works by Béla Bartók and Paul Hindemith, released on the ECM label, won the 2007 Diapason d'Or de l'Année. With the Zehetmair Quartet, Jakowicz has performed at prestigious venues such as the Berlin Philharmonic, Wigmore Hall in London, Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Gulbenkian Center in Lisbon, Konzerthaus in Vienna, Zankel Hall and Y Hall in New York. The ensemble has also graced notable music festivals including Schleswig-Holstein, Salzburg, Lucerne, Aldeburgh, and Edinburgh. In 2014, the quartet was honoured with the Paul Hindemith Prize of the City of Hanau.

Jakowicz’s individual accolades include the “Paszport Polityki” prize for 2003, the “Orpheus” prize at the 2007 Warsaw Autumn Festival, and the Medal of the 100th Anniversary of Witold Lutosławski’s Birth in 2018, awarded by the Witold Lutosławski Society for his contributions to promoting  Lutosławski’s music. He is also a two-time recipient of the Fryderyk Award, recognizing significant achievements in the Polish music scene. Upcoming recordings by Jakowicz will feature works by E. Chausson with pianist Paavali Jumppanen and the Lutosławski Quartet, and a recital of 20th-century Polish music with pianist Łukasz Chrzęszczyk.

In addition to his performing career, Jakowicz holds a doctorate in musical arts and teaches violin at the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. He plays a Gand Frères violin (Paris, 1859), courtesy of the Jerzy Semkow Foundation.